
Leg Length Discrepancy

Treating patients with leg length discrepancy requires orthopaedic surgeons to make use of tools that are not their stock in trade. In determining a treatment strategy scalpels, osteotomies and needle drivers give way to charts, graphs and calculators. Geometry and mechanics give way to growth and maturation. The orthopaedic surgeon who finds these other tools cumbersome, is unfamiliar with them, or is not confident in his ability to use them, will welcome some help in this area.


Pedipod/LLD takes care of the methodology in the collection and assessment of growth data, the prediction of future growth, and the prediction of the effects of surgery. The user, having entered appropriate data, can see the results and predictions without concern about how to use the method or arithmetic error. The results of different methods can be compared. In computerizing the Straight Line Graph method, Pedipod/LLD actually extends its usual capabilities in several respects and enables its use as a general tool for the description of growth patterns, even when interrupted by surgery.

Who’s the doctor?

Pedipod/LLD is certainly not the doctor. It only deals with numbers, is completely fooled by errors and inaccuracies in measurement and incorrectly entered data, and cannot judge the validity of implicit and explicit assumptions. Also, Pedipod/LLD completely lacks clinical judgment and has no skill in arriving at treatment strategies. The responsible surgeon is still responsible for the care of the patient and the final decision regarding treatment. Pedipod/LLD will handle the number crunching but will not make recommendations for treatment and cannot make treatment decisions.

Pedipod/LLD takes care of the numbers, the doctor takes care of the patient.

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